Digital Transformation
Provides cyberspace operations policy, guidance, & oversight. Identifies relevant gaps and disconnects while managing all mission areas (WMA, DIMA, BMA & IEMA). Addresses Joint and intra-Service integration shortfalls. Synchronizes PEO and MAJCOM/CFL mission Develop Capability Integration Roadmaps. Provides SMEs to evaluate/advise/support policy/strategy, Portfolio Management and cyber security solutions. Develops, plans, and implements policy to support training and testing activities. Serves as Cyberspace and C&I Functional Manager. Develops AF Cyberspace Domain and IT Strategies ISO the AF strategic planning process. Leads the creation of the AF Enterprise Architecture and develops EA policy, guidance, prioritization, and target architectures and capabilities to integrate IT across air, space, and cyberspace. Represents CIO as the AF Senior Information Security Official. Assesses technology and industry trends to shape development of strategies, policies and procedures, standards and architectures to guide AF IM/IT investments.
With mission partners, oversees IT budget to ensure effective & efficient use of resources and minimization of duplication. Performs Secretariat/Support for key IT governance orgs (ITGEG, ITGEB, WFI-GOSG). Serves as the Cyber Issue team lead within the AF Corporate structure to reinforce and advocate for Air Force-wide Cyber/CIO priorities. Serves as key SAF/CN interface to promote and ensure all equities are endorsed at AF, Joint, and Departmental Governance bodies (DoD CIO Executive, Federal CIO, AFROC, JROC, ESWG, C2 GOSG, etc.). Advocates for IT requirements in AF programs to ensure seamless, robust interoperability/ data sharing across all mission areas. Provides investment oversight across mission areas to ensure systems with major IT components are developed and resourced to maximize C2 integration, cyber-security, mission assurance, and cost effectiveness. Develops and executes USAF IT/Cyberspace portfolio management (PfM)/Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process, to be approved by DoD, that ensures Budget, Requirements, and Acquisition are aligned w/strategic objectives.